We've been so pleased with the progress that Lowell has made this fall. He really has made some major breakthroughs with his social skills, his speech and requesting. It's so wonderful to see.
Hope you and yours are well this holiday season.
This is the diary of a librarian mama raising an autistic son.
He started off great with only an accident or two and was holding it for short chunks of time. Actually on Monday afternoon he held it at his integrated preschool class all afternoon. He got home and wouldn't go, but eventally did and we were feeling like things were going to be ok. As the week went on the progress report was that he wasn't having accidents at all. He was brought to the bathroom every 20 min. or so, but didn't go every time.
Then by Friday we found that a few times at his Autism Day Treatment program he was going into the bathroom on his own. This weekend at home he stops whatever he is doing and goes into the bathroom and takes care of business, flushes the toilet and is done. We're in awe!! Of course there are still a few accidents and he still won't do #2 in the potty, but we're making great progress. Today we even took a trip to Target, went on a long walk and he held it the whole time. We came in and prompted him to go and he went...all on his own. We are amazed at how far he has come in just one week! Yay Lowell....as we like to say around here:)
Did you all see the Oprah episode this week on autism? Lots of information from it is here.
Happy Fall!!