Read this now..............very powerful!
Also listen to Roy Richard Grinker, author, “Unstrange Minds: Remapping the World of Autism.” Scroll down to Feb. 8th 10 pm here.
He says the rise in diagnosed cases of autism is not epidemic, but is the result of the scientific community’s ability now to correctly count those with it.
Be Constructive ~ Be Creative ~ Be Positive ~ Be Productive
I have always been on the band wagon as the "Unstrange Minds" author. There are so many early interventions and early diagnostic methods that were not out there even 10 years ago. My husband and I are reading his book now. Have a Happy Vday with your little ones.
What a beautiful child. Your pride in each of his accomplishments is a joy to see. I followed your ArtsyMama blog to this link. Amazing that you can hold a job, be a mom with such responsibility and still create. Best wishes to you.
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