I'm always amazed at how well Lowell responds to music. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, Joe's family is very musical. Lowell just really seems to "get it" in a way that I never have. Above he's playing his toy saxophone and is actually
playing it...blowing into it (hard) and pressing the buttons to make noise. He's also very, very into his keyboard. It was actually a gift to me from my father-in-law and Lowell has already figured out the program modes and plays like a true
piano man! So much fun to see:)

I'm also always amazed at the notes that his music therapist sends home. He has music therapy three times a week. It brings out the best in him. Here's what she said this week,
The last several sessions Lowell has had more consistent on task behavior. We know he's on task when he gives sustained eye contact, follows directions, sings jointly and independently joins with gestures to action songs. He continues to be the star as he passes equipment to an identified peer. Nice listening and then interating with peer. Good health makes us all do our best!" He's definitely had a very positive surge of development (and lots more words!) after getting over his cold. Very exciting!!!
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