The last few weeks have been busy in our household, as I'm sure they have been for everyone. Mommy (that would be me!) went away for 6 days without daddy or the kids!!! My parents were a huge help and all went well for everyone:) Then Lowell had a week off of his Autism Day Treatment program for Spring Break. We had a nice week together. I jumped right back into "mommy duty" here and the kids were great. We saw a lot of nana and bobo (my parents) and got outside as much as we could. The weather has been so darn cold, though!!
Lowell continues to use more words and ask for things. He was pretty even tempered this week. He's very facinated by my camera lately, so here's a couple goofy pictures that he took of himself:)

Did anyone catch the episdoe that Oprah did on Autism last week on
Living with Autism? Seems like a lot of the same stuff cycling through these shows lately. It's wonderful to bring awareness to the situation, but I would love to hear more about research and the search for a cause and
cure!! Speaking of which, there is a new site called
Interactive Autism Network that you can register and it will link parents of kids with Autism to researchers to learn more about the possible causes, treatments and cures for Autism. Now that's headed in the right direction!!!
1 comment:
Kari, I watched that Oprah show and it made me cry, very powerful. I hope they figure out the puzzle soon!
Julian LOVES to take pictures, too. Mark actually bought him a cheap (but real, non-kid) digital camera and he uses it often. He tends to move the camera and get blurs, or cut people's heads off, but he's improving!
Hope this weather warms up soon and we can meet up at the zoo or park sometime!
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