Thursday, June 29, 2006

Autism Day Treatment program wk 2: Day 3

Lowell seems to really be getting into this "school" thing:) He anticipates it now and every morning about 7:45 am he gets on his sandles and is ready to shoot out the door. This week we have had no separation issues. I've been staying in the room for about 10-15 min. just to have that time with him playing. I now get Chloe out of her Baby Bjorn and she walks about the room. She loves watching the other kids.

Report from teachers:
What I really did well today: We worked on identifying body parts and singing "head, shoulders, knees and toes".

What was fun about today: water table, being outside, playing with balloons

My mood was: very good!

From speech therapist: Lowell and I had a great time blowing up balloons and letting them shrink in our hands- what a great "giggle" he has! He did some nice imitating of words (e.g. go, uh-oh, all done, swing) and loved singing along with Twinkle Twinkle. I was also impressed that he imitated me dipping (and tasting) a chip in salsa at snack time!

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