*have poor attention pans and may flit between toys without directing attention to any one in particular.
*not know which toys they have unless they are items of obsession.
*have language difficulties that make requesting a certain toy frustrating.
*have imagination problems, which means that varying toys each day keeps up interest.
Varying toys builds in flexibility and prevents your child from becoming fixated on having one collection of items which he expects and needs to see in the same place every day.

I really had fun putting these boxes together and now know what I want to look for at garage sales to enhance some of them. I tried to put at least one puzzle, some books, different sensory activities, animals or puppets, etc. in each box on the given theme. **Note to self: Do not work on boxes when kids are awake! They were very intrigued with all the "new" toys that seemed to be popping up all over the place:)
Themes I thought of include:
colors~art~ shapes~ food/store
things that go~water~ music~ ABC's
zoo/animals~numbers~ farm~ plants
seasons~people~ tools~ holiday's
I treated myself at the end of the day to a shopping trip for new books for some of the boxes:)

This looks awesome! It is beautiful and heartwarming. I love hearing about Lowell. He really is such a lucky guy to have you as his mama. Take care,
found this blog through your book of dreams blog. the boxes are such a great idea. i'm sure my ds7 will be diagnosed with Asperger's (still being assessed). just checked out this book on amazon. looks so cool. my ds still has difficulty with sharing. thank you so much for sharing your story.
Very good idea! Label other things too. Johnson-Meyer has some pictures that are standardized. The ALE class at my school use them to label everything, and with great success. I have several students with autism that benefit from the pictures. Also, a picture schedule is very helpful. My students are my time keepers that keep me on track!! ;)
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