On Sept. 14th we celebrated Lowell's 5th birthday with a party and a Max and Ruby "worm cake". It was so fun to see Lowell really get that it was his special day and enjoy it with friends and family.

We have had a busy fall. Lowell does not have school on Friday morning's so we've made a really fun routine of getting together with my parents and enjoying the glorious fall-time weather here in the twin cities. We've enjoyed trips to the farmer's market, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, several apple orchards, the Minnesota Zoo. The kids have fared well and really enjoy our field trips.

On Saturday, September 20th we particpated for the second year in the Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism fundraiser. Our family raised over $1600. A sincere
thank you to those that donated.

The walk took place on the horse track at Canterbury Downs.

Lowell is doing very, very well with his new schedule. After graduating from his Autism Day Treatment program, he is now in an inclusion room three mornings a week at St. David's. He seems to be fitting into the class very well and continues to make great strides. He also attends an integrated preschool room in the afternoons. Great reports all around so far. We are thrilled!
Hope you've having a great fall!
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