We are going through some big changes as 2008 picks up steam. The official word is that Lowell is going to "graduate" from his Autism Day Treatment program at the end of the summer. Of course this is wonderful news. It means that he has come a looonnng way in these last two years and is ready for the next step. But are WE? I've been making lots of phone calls and having meetings regarding what his school schedule will look like come fall. He will stay in his current integrated preshool through the school district in the afternoon and so I'm trying to fit the pieces together for him to get what he needs in the morning. It has been difficult for me to think that he's going to go away from theraputic, controlled setting of his treatement program cold turky. I am so very, very proud of him and how far he's come, but of course deep down inside I'm the mama bear wanting to make sure he's getting what he needs. It seems like we've come up with a good plan. He will have Mon., Wed. and Fri. mornings home with Chloe and I. That will be a wonderful treat to have him around more for this last year before kindergarten. Yes, I said kindergarten...ahhh!!:) On Tue. and Thur. he will be a regular pre-school room at the same school he's been at, but will have the added support of a respite teacher. That should be a wonderful transition to get ready for school. He will be with kids his own age, at a place that is very familiar to him, with the support that he needs. We will also obtain private speech a few times a week. So we are excited that the future is looking bright and keep reminding ourselves that this is what we have been working towards. This is what early intervention is all about. Change is good:)
Change is good. I am so glad to hear that things are progressing for Lowell, and that he is thriving. Your a wonderful Mother Kari. ¥
I met you through Lori from Faerie Window. She was so kind to send me your link. I would love for you to come visit my site right now. I can truly some uplifting and encouraging Words, for I am a roller coaster of emotions for my little girl. It does mean a lot to hear from someone who has been there too!
Thank you!
(Love Conquers All
Gina Smith has told me several times to stop by your ArtsyMama blog, which I did - but I couldn't figure out why she said to look at it (besides that it's a good blog!). Today I looked at your "About Me" page and found this blog. Aaahhh. That's it. We have parallel lives. My daughter is Autistic and 4 yo, too. She's still in her Spec Ed preschool class, but we expect her to graduate to regular kindergarten next year. Early intervention was a miracle in our lives.
Anyway, just wanted to say hello. I have just one blog, but I blog about my girl frequently, if you want to stop by.
Have a great day!
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