Sunday, February 18, 2007

What a weekend!

Lowell had an awesome weekend! He definitely seems over the hump with the cold he's had. He tends to really rally after being sick and makes some great progress:) Saturday morning Bobo (grandpa) came over and had a "boys morning" with Lowell. He took him to get his hair cut and he was I heard!!! Then the did some errands and Lowell (and Bobo) came home just giddy. What a wonderful morning. Lowell remained in a good mood for the most part and seemed to really have a lot of words this weekend. At one point we were sitting at the table together having snack and he just looked over at me, looked me right in the eyes and said, "juice". Awesome!!
Be sure and check out the 60 Minutes web site for info. on the program they had tonight on Autism. You can watch a 13 min. video that talks about the importance of early intervention. Good stuff!

Also, here's a link to a new study that came out on Genetics and Autism. Very interesting!

We're really excited to see what this week brings for Lowell. He seems to be "primed and ready" for some good advances:)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

What are the chances??

Read this now..............very powerful!
Also listen to Roy Richard Grinker, author, “Unstrange Minds: Remapping the World of Autism.” Scroll down to Feb. 8th 10 pm here.
He says the rise in diagnosed cases of autism is not epidemic, but is the result of the scientific community’s ability now to correctly count those with it.
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