The weather has been gorgeous here the last few days and we've taken every opportunity to get outside with the kids and enjoy it. This kind of weather makes you just ache for spring. It's like once you get a taste, you're hooked! Looking forward to our annual spring wildflower walk. Looks like we usually don't go until May. Do we really have another two months before the flowers start to bloom?!

I enjoy looking for signs of spring with the kids. Now that Lowell is talking a lot he is asking all kinds of fun questions:) It's fun to put on my "naturalist's hat" when we're outside and teach the kids about the natural world. They really enjoy it...and so do I.
This weather is definitely something to smile about.

Enjoy the season!
One quick thing related to Autism. This article appeared in the New York Times yesterday. It is about Autism and the Somali community specifically here in Minneapolis.